Financial forecast

GRDC is entering this RD&E 2023-28 Plan period in a strong financial position. Over the life of this plan, GRDC will continue to make significant investments in research development and extension (RD&E) aligned to strategic pillars and focus areas to deliver on its purpose.

Income and expenses

While financial modelling cannot take into consideration any unforeseen environmental or legislative change impacts, GRDC expects to invest more than $1 billion over the five years of this plan. GRDC will actively monitor and manage budget across the life of the plan, reporting any variance between forecast and actual income and expenditure through the GRDC Annual Operating Plan and Annual Report.

GRDC budget forecast 2023-24 to 2027-28 ($'000)

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28
Levies 148,548 137,075 139,899 143,575 150,404
Commonwealth matching 91,688 84,344 72,725 73,159 74,981
Other 29,211 28,962 26,369 25,658 25,151
Total Income 269,447 250,381 238,993 242,392 250,536
RD&E investments 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 240,000
Employees 16,460 16,790 17,132 17,473 17,668
Suppliers 21,059 21,219 22,046 22,366 22,642
Total expenses 267,519 268,009 269,178 269,839 280,310
Operating surplus/deficit 1,928 - 17,628 - 30,185 - 27,447 - 29,774
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